Tuesday, November 28, 2006

At work and other ramblings

It actually was a nice day at work today...I had much fun.
Was messing about with my colleagues especially after 4.30 pm when people just decided to stop coming in.
I had brought my camera so we made some funny pictures in the last hour. We got everything done very quickly so we could leave 5 minutes after closing time :D

Is it just me or are things starting to seem less funny?
The days are getting shorter, it should be getting colder...still waiting for that to happen though. It is getting darker, more rain even hail now and then. I can imagine people getting winter-depression over that, I mean I get them. But is that only nature's fault? I mean, when it is sunny people seem happier. I think that is just because it is easier for them to act happy when the sun is shining...who will ever notice you being unhappy when the sun is shining...as though people shut their eyes for sorrow when the sun shines brightly.
And then they are the ones that shout that a lot of people have got winter depressions...it's not just that..it's also the fact that people, friends family, colleagues etc. close their eyes in summer and then open them in winter. So I wouldn't call it winter depression, but summer-blindness.
And then if they do notice you being unhappy they might say you are overreacting or similar stuff. How can they say that you are overreacting when they don't know what it is all about themselves?

It's the same as when my father died. People really stuck a knife in my back. They let me down. And then they say I should GET OVER IT. How can someone EVER get over the death of a parent? Ohw wait, even better: Forget about him..WTF!!!??? Who in his/her rightgeous mind would ever tell a friend to forget about their parents!!?? It's like denying you were ever born... The only thing I can learn is to live with it...and that doesn't even mean learn to live with the fact that he is gone, no you learn how to live with the constant pain of having to miss someone you care about so deeply that most people don't even understand.
The thing is, they pretend to care, especially in the beginning, but the shit starts after a month. Then they start telling you that you should be getting over it or they just plainly ignore you. The worst thing someone can say is: But that was already a month ago!!??
Yeah so? That pain will NEVER EVER go away...like I said you may learn to live with it, some may never. But having to miss someone so close...I don't wish it upon anybody, but sometimes some people should feel what it's like..only so that they can shut their stupid faces.
You know, I could go on about this all night, but I won't because it is upsetting me even more by even thinking about it.

***end of brainfart***

1 comment:

Adriane said...


my father died almost 10 years ago...don't worry you haven't missed something really important ;)

And what you're saying makes perfect sense, but that doesn't mean it doesn't piss me of from time to time ;)